CouncilWise News

How Rates Work

Your State's Rates Manual

As a Rates Officer, have you checked out your State Government's Rates Manual? No? Maybe it's time to move to the NT.

How Rates Work

Basic Local Government Rates

Sometimes, back to basics is important. Learn more here about the basics of local government rates in Australia.

How Rates Work

Dealing With Trusts

"ATF"? What does this mean? As a Rates Officer, how do we deal with properties owned by a trust? Read on for some insight which may assist your...

Upgrade / Migration

Central Highlands Council Upgrades

Nearly 24 years ago, Central Highlands Council bought PropertyWise. Now, they are migrating to CouncilWise Cloud Property and Rating.

How Rates Work

Pensioner Concessions in WA

Council rates are simple, right? Let's talk about Western Australia and pensioner concessions...

How Rates Work

Impact of Minimum Rates

How important are minimum rates? In some areas, very important.

How Rates Work

Unrateable Properties in SA

Managing 'unrateable properties' across Australia can be handled in many ways - in South Australia, they have a unique method with quite a few...

How Rates Work

Where Do Rates Payments Go?

Bob made a payment on his rates. Where did his payment go? Learn more about how payments on your council rates are handled by Rates Officers. Yeah -...


Identifying Property: SPI & PFI in Victoria

Victoria's detailed land data ensures precise property tracking for local councils, giving a consistent set of data to multiple services through...

Company News

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Company News

PropertyWise: Commitment to Legacy Support

CouncilWise continues to support our legacy PropertyWise software, proving our commitment to customers by getting it to operate on modern Macs.

Upgrade / Migration

Palmerston migrates to CouncilWise

City of Palmerston is the latest council to complete the migration from on-premise legacy PropertyWise to the new CouncilWise Cloud.

Company News

We might not be right for you

Need a property and rating system? We think we have what you need - but we might not be right for you.

Upgrade / Migration

Flinders Council Upgrades

After 17 years of using PropertyWise, Flinders Council is migrating from our legacy solution to CouncilWise Cloud Property and Rating.

Upgrade / Migration

Tasman Council Migrates to CouncilWise

Tasman Council has migrated from our legacy PropertyWise solution to CouncilWise Cloud Property and Rating.

New Customer

Roper Gulf joins CouncilWise

Roper Gulf Regional Council chooses to migrate to the CouncilWise Cloud Property and Rating solution.

New Customer

West Daly joins CouncilWise

West Daly Regional Council chooses to migrate to the CouncilWise Cloud Property and Rating solution.

Company News

No Sunset for PropertyWise

CouncilWise Pty Ltd confirms it will continue support for its legacy PropertyWise property and rating software into the future.

New Customer

CouncilWise goes to Tennant Creek

Barkly Regional Council chooses CouncilWise Cloud, becoming the 7th local government client in the Northern Territory