Scott Christian

Stories by Scott

How Rates Work

Where Do Rates Payments Go?

Bob made a payment on his rates. Where did his payment go? Learn more about how payments on your council rates are handled by Rates Officers. Yeah -...


Identifying Property: SPI & PFI in Victoria

Victoria's detailed land data ensures precise property tracking for local councils, giving a consistent set of data to multiple services through...

Company News

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Getting in touch with us about your support needs has never been easier!

Company News

PropertyWise: Commitment to Legacy Support

CouncilWise continues to support our legacy PropertyWise software, proving our commitment to customers by getting it to operate on modern Macs.

Upgrade / Migration

Palmerston migrates to CouncilWise

City of Palmerston is the latest council to complete the migration from on-premise legacy PropertyWise to the new CouncilWise Cloud.

Company News

We might not be right for you

Need a property and rating system? We think we have what you need - but we might not be right for you.