Scott Christian

Stories by Scott

How Rates Work

Pensioner Concessions in WA

Council rates are simple, right? Let's talk about Western Australia and pensioner concessions...

How Rates Work

Impact of Minimum Rates

How important are minimum rates? In some areas, very important.

How Rates Work

Unrateable Properties in SA

Managing 'unrateable properties' across Australia can be handled in many ways - in South Australia, they have a unique method with quite a few...

How Rates Work

Where Do Rates Payments Go?

Bob made a payment on his rates. Where did his payment go? Learn more about how payments on your council rates are handled by Rates Officers. Yeah -...

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PropertyWise: Commitment to Legacy Support

CouncilWise continues to support our legacy PropertyWise software, proving our commitment to customers by getting it to operate on modern Macs.